
Kirsten Challinor

Australian Catholic University

Dr Challinor is a neuroscientist academic whose research focuses on the psychology of better aging. Driven by her goal to bring joy to seniors, she has over 20 years’ experience  researching the relationship between the brain and behaviour. Her focus is to answer research questions that are meaningful in ‘real world’ settings, not only in academic ivory towers. Her research interests include: music as a therapy for people living with Dementia, reduction of psychotropic medication use, carer wellbeing and trauma, nurse communication, and factors of a carer-resident relationship that can lead to an unsafe workplace.

Presentations by Kirsten Challinor
Lifestyle Staff Experience of Tech Upgrade to Resparke Audio-Visual Program: Pre-Post Intervention Study.
Lifestyle Staff Experience of Tech Upgrade to Resparke Audio-Visual Program: Pre-Post Intervention Study.
Dr Kirsten Challinor
Music as an analgesic intervention for aged care residents with and without dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Music as an analgesic intervention for aged care residents with and without dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Dr Kirsten Challinor